January 2022
In the last year, the EMP&A team volunteered time with World Central Kitchen, Martha's Table, Food Justice DMV, organized a community bike drive for Phoenix Bikes, and remained dedicated to providing pro-bono services to veteran-owned small businesses. We believe strongly in our investment in service and the community. We are also blessed to work with so many clients who do countless things to support their communities - teachers, emergency responders, sports teams, fundraisers, and much more.

One particular client we are proud to highlight is World U.P.® foundation, which improves access to fruits and vegetables in food deserts of Richmond, Virginia. World U.P. recently became registered with the USPTO, but what makes their work even more special is that it was founded by a former intern at our office - we are so proud of you, Liz!
What does a famous Benjamin Franklin quote have to do with trademark protection? Watch this short video to learn more.
Key Trademark Terminology
There are several important terms and phrases that are prevalent in the world of trademarks. Watch this video to learn more about them, including why Erik prefers suggestive trademarks.
In our annual review of the year in trademarks, Erik discusses key trademark developments from 2021—including the Trademark Modernization Act (TMA), USPTO backlogs, META, and NFTs—as well as some things to look for in 2022.
We are seeking law student(s) for a paid trademark internship this summer. Read more about the position here.
If there are any topics or issues you would like to see covered here, let us know!
This publication has been prepared for the general information of clients and friends of the firm. It is not intended to provide legal advice with respect to any specific matter. Under rules applicable to the professional conduct of attorneys in various jurisdictions, it may be considered advertising material.
© 2021 Erik M. Pelton & Associates, PLLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.