Master The Art Of USPTO Office Action Responses With Our 5-Hour Online Boot Camp

- Overview: Practical matters such as timing, docketing, formatting, filing, and signatures and declarations; Using the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP); Researching examples; Creating templates; What types of evidence to include and how to attach it; First Office Action versus Final Office Action; Requests for Reconsideration; Preparing for possible appeal at Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB)
- Procedural issues: Disclaimers; Specimen issues; Identification of goods and services; Consent to register names; Foreign translations/transliterations; Information requests; Amendment to Supplemental Register
- Substantive Issues
- Likelihood of Confusion Assessing options regarding the cited registrations; Assessing DuPont Factors; Differences in goods and/or services; Differences between marks (meaning, spelling, appearance, sound, commercial impressions, etc.); Third party uses/registrations; Sophisticated consumers; Prior pending applications
- Descriptiveness Suggestive vs. descriptive continuum; Double entendre; Acquired distinctiveness; Disclaimer; Genericness
- Workbook featuring more than 30 sample successful office action responses
- To purchase the replay + workbook Buy Now
- To purchase only the workbook Buy Now
- For more details on the workbook, Learn More
"The class more than met my expectations. The workbook alone was a huge help and resource. As for the instructors, I appreciate the honesty, candor and "real ness". It was nice for someone who clearly knows so much about the topic be so open and willing to share that information"
Tara Murphy
Office Action Bootcamp is taught by two experience trademark professionals:
Erik Pelton is a former USPTO trademark examiner and owner of Erik M. Pelton and Associates, PLLC. He has filed thousands of office action responses over his 19 years in private practice and obtained over 2,500 trademark registrations for his clients. In addition to his law practice, Erik has mentored and trained dozens of interns and associates (including several later hired by the USPTO) and spoken at many conferences, such as INTA and the ABA. He is also the host of the “Tricks of the Trade(mark)” podcast. Sonia Lakhany (known on Instagram as @trademarklawyerlady) and owner of Lakhany Law, PC, an award-winning trademark law firm. She has been featured multiple times in Bloomberg as well as in Entrepreneur Magazine, Business News Daily, CBS, USA Today, and other notable publications. In addition to her law practice, Sonia teaches courses to other attorneys on practicing trademark law as well as legal marketing. If you've taken (or heard of) "2 Weeks to Trademarks", you already know Sonia's fun and dynamic teaching style."
"The course was great and came at the right time for me as I am adding more and more trademark work to my core patent practice. The material answered directly some simple practical questions I had – e.g., how to retrieve only registered live marks in a search and downloading multiple records for evidence – and also provided valuable depth to legal arguments for traversing refusals. Kudos to Sonia and Erik!"
Betsy Dowd
Q & A
- How long is the boot camp? Five (5) hours
- What do I receive? The 5-hour video replay, the entire PowerPoint slide set, AND the workbook of over 1500 pages and over 30 sample Office Action responses.
- How much is it? $797. Scroll down below to purchase.
- Can I purchase just the workbook? Yes, for $497. Scroll down below to purchase.
- To purchase the replay + workbook Buy Now
- To purchase only the workbook Buy Now
- For more details on the workbook, Learn More