The following is an edited transcript of Chapter 7 of my book video Building a Bold Brand Chapter 7: Registration is the Keystone to Brand Protection

While there are many incredible sights and millennia of history to write about in the city of Rome, one feature is central to all of the great buildings there: arches. From the first basic structures to the Colosseum, from the castles to the bridges and aqueducts, archways were central to building large and lasting structures.

The most important part of any arch is the keystone, the center stone at the top of the arch that supports the weight above and creates the entryway below. The Roman Colosseum, which has stood for centuries, was essentially arch built upon arch, over and over again. Without the keystone at the heart of the architecture, such large and magnificent structures would not have been possible.

Trademark Visuals | Erik M Pelton & Associates, PLLC

Registration of a trademark is akin to the keystone of a brand’s protection. While it is not a legal requirement, registration strengthens a brand’s protection immeasurably and makes everything else related to brand growth, expansion, and protection easier and stronger. A creative and unique name is the first foundation upon which brand protection is built.

Read more about why trademark registration is the keystone to the brand protection arch here:

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