As I have noted here on occasion, trademark filings often follow or mirror popular culture.
Three years ago, there we no USPTO registrations containing “Keep Calm.” Today, there are six registrations and more than 20 applications featuring the phrase.
Her are some of the more interesting ones [click marks for USPTO records]
– pending application for ‘Ornamental pins’
- KEEP CALM AND FLOSS ON – dentist services
- KEEP CALM AND MARATHON – pending application for ‘Hats; Hooded sweatshirts; Jackets; Shoes; Short-sleeved or long-sleeved t-shirts; Shorts; Socks; Sweaters; Sweatshirts; T-shirts; Tank tops; Underwear’
- KEEP CALM AND CARRY – pending application for firearms
These creative “twists” of the original phrase may be descriptive or ornamental enough, when combined that the fact that there are now several of them further demonstrating the weakness of the mark, that they get approved and registered despite a registration for KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON issued in 2012 for a wide variety of goods.