Does your brand name capture your business’ style? A brand name can convey one or more of many characteristcs, such as: trustworthy, young, simple, conservative, bold, sexy, new, old, fancy, rich, local, or corporate.

A new pizza place opened this summer near our offices in Falls Church, VA.  Flippin’ Pizza. The pizza is good, it really is a New York style pie, and I love the name and logo!

The logo, as seen above, features two hands replacing the ‘I’s in the word “Flippin”, and the hands are tossing pizza pie dough.  The name has attitude and a the whole brand has an attitude to match, which reinforces the “New York” style.  For example, from the web FAQ page:  “How can I tell if it’s real New York Pizza?  Easy. It’s always in your face. ”

Lesson: A trademark name and logo are part of a larger image for an entire brand or business.  And the trademark should capture that image when possible.  For Flippin’ Pizza, that image is New York attititude.  The brand name catpures it perfectly, in my opinion.  An in your face, double-entendre.  And its a fun name for kids.

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