My post last month featuring ten non-traditional trademarks that are not registered, but should be, was quite popular. Here are another ten non-traditional brand symbols that are not, too my knowledge after extensive searching, registered:

The reflective triangle patch on the back of L.L. Bean’s children’s outerwear

New York Mets’ home run apple rising after a Met home run

Prince’s guitar:

image from The Unique Guitar Blog (

The winner of the Indianapolis 500 drinking a glass of milk

The configuration of the “Green Monster” at Fenway Park

The ivy outfield wall at Wrigley Field

File:Wrigley Field 400 foot sign.jpg

 Dunkin Donuts door handles

Dunkin Door Handle photo











The configuration of the front of a Brooks Brothers store (the all looks very similar, especially the tall and shallow blue awnings)

Brooks Brothers store front

The fountains outside the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas

File:Bellagio Fountains at night.jpg

Iowa’s Kinnick Stadium’s pink colored visitor’s locker room 

File:Fall 2009 010.jpg

Grammy award configuration (HT Ed Timberlake @TimberlakeLaw)


Tip: Non-traditional trademarks are all around us and are being used with greater frequency by marketers; appropriate registration and protection of these marks is well worth the investment.

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