I have recently received multiple inquiries from clients wondering about mail they received from Trademark Compliance Center. Once client had already written a check and was prepared to send it in. What is the Trademark Compliance Center?  IT IS NOT A GOVERNMENT AGENCY.  Completing their form or paying them money has nothing to do with the status of a trademark application or registration at the USPTO.  The soliciation from TCC is cleverly timed to go to applicants – even those with counsel – during their application process so that they are even more likely to believe it is connected to the USPTO.

I have no idea whether the services provided by TCC are commensurate with their charges. Registration with US Customs is quite valuable, as I have written several times. (See: https://www.erikpelton.com/2010/01/05/tip-us-customs-will-work-to-protect-your-trademark/.)  What concerns me about TCC is that they are contacting applicant’s represented by counsel and (A) possibly offering to provide a legal service,  and (B) resembling official government correspondence. The USPTO even warns applicants about the Trademark Compliance Center on its WARNING: Non-USPTO Solicitations That May Resemble Official USPTO Communications page. Several complaints regarding TCC have been filed on RipOffReport.com.

Image via RipOffReport.com

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9 thoughts on “Warning: Trademark Compliance Center has nothing to do with the USPTO

  1. They have since changed their name slightly to”Trademark Compliance OFFICE” and their new address is 101 N 19th Street Suite 1200, Arlington, VA, 22209. Otherwise, the form and cost ($385) is identical. SHRED.

    • I also received this from “Trademark Compliance Office” – a very official looking form obviously sent to confuse you. Interesting how there is no phone number, no website address – they are trying to make it look like a government document.

  2. I received this letter this week as well. I thought we already paid the fee. I’m glad I googled the office name and did some research first. Address on mine was 1001 N 19th (not 101…. I think above is a typo) Good point about no phone number or website. I will remember that for future scams.

    • I was just about to pay the $385.00 but also noticed there was not a contact phone or email. I googled and thank you for this! What a scam!

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