Celebrity trademark stories keep showing up in the general media. In 2012 alone, Tebow, “occupy,” Blue Ivy Carter, LINsantity, the Kardashians, and more were trademark stories that appeared in the general media.

The trademarks of star Washington Redskin rookie quarterback, Robert Griffin III were a topic of discussion on yesterday’s Pardon the Interruption (PTI) show on ESPN. Some good points were made: these are arguably not original phrases, how and for what is he protecting them? [The answer remains to be seen since they were filed based on an intent to use the trademarks in commerce and no evidence has been submitted yet.] Pat Reilly certainly cashed in on THREEPEAT and was wise to register it as a trademark, so you can’t fault someone for thinking about doing the name.

The phrases filed by RGIII at the USPTO include “LIGHT YOU UP,” “WORK HARD STAY HUMBLE,” and more.

For the discussion from PTI, see podcast here from 12/19/44 and jump to the 21:00 st minute.

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