On visits to St. Louis and New York City recently, I came across two great library logos. And a great library slogan.


Image result for ny public library logo                         Image result for st louis library logo


The New York Public Library. Its logo is beautiful, simple, clean and powerful. The logo represents history of the brand (two large iconic lion statues man the outside of the central library) but it does not feel old. Is your logo communicating a message to your customers?

Here is a New York Times article about the library logo:

The St. Louis Public Library’s logo is great because it combines a book with pages turning and the arch for which St. Louis is famous. It is also clean and simple. There is no mistaking that it represents St. Louis and books.

The slogan ST LOUIS’ ORIGINAL SEARCH ENGINE is also wonderful. It reminds younger generations that everything you need to look up (or could look up at one time) is in that great library. And that you can explore and find many amazing things in those pages inside the library!

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