Earlier  this month, someone applied to register the word DEFLATRIOTS at the USPTO for use in connection with clothing. The application has been assigned Serial Number 86631636 (click for USPTO records).

I was actually shocked that it took so long for someone to file an application that referenced the “deflategate” report by the NFL in some manner. In fact, I am still rather surprised that no one has filed for a “deflategate” trademark. Big events in the news such as this tend to spur a rash of trademark filings.

I suspect that if the DEFLATRIOTS application is approved by the USPTO the NFL or the Patriots ownership may file a Notice of Opposition.

On a related note, there is a company call Vardagen marketing t-shirts featuring the image below:

Deflatriots  Deflate Gate T-Shirt

On another related note, there is actually a trademark registration for SLOW DEFLATE ADVANTAGE for use in connection with exercise balls. Their recent USPTO renewal filing evidence of use is pictured below. Perhaps they are pursuing an endorsement deal with Tom Brady?

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