The Stealth trademark has a long, complex, and litigious history. (See below.  Apparently, it continues: an application for STEALTH used in connection with “Computers, computer monitors and laser printers” owned by “The Society for the Prevention of Trademark Abuse,” with a contact person of Leo Stoller, has been Opposed.  Last week, Best Data Products, Inc. filed this Notice of Opposition proceeding at the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the USPTO.  The opposed application was actually filed more than 11 years ago, and “suspended” by the USPTO for nearly 10 years. The Society for the Prevention of Trademark Abuse was assigned rights to the trademark application by another Stoller-controlled entity, Central Mfg. Inc.  in 2007.  The Notice of Opposition’s allegation include fraud on the USPTO.

For more coverage of the long and twisted history of the STEALTH trademark rights, see:

The STEALTH trademark saga continues, will it ever end?

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