Today, the .XXX domain registry is available to the pubic. Some businesses have decided in advance to buy or block .XXX domain extensions that match their websites or brand names. I did too.  Here is what a blocked .xxx domain name looks like after I filed a sunrise application for based on the USPTO registration of TM4SMALLBIZ:

As I noted previously:

I strongly urge brand owners to consider the potential value of the pre-registration of the .XXX domains corresponding to their brand(s). Brand tarnishment, trademark infringement or cybersquatting issues could be far more expensive to manage than the domain registration costs. Not to mention the burdens and blemishes that could be created if someone registers and uses a .XXX version of your website or brand and appears high in the search engine rankings.

Since I practice what I preach, I have submitted a sunrise claim for I have also submitted an order to register as soon as it becomes available. I certainly don’t intend to use these domain names – I just want to be sure that no one else uses them in an unsavory manner, which could force me to spend  far more money to deal with the situation and cause  me to worry about my brand’s image.

Of course, it is possible that the .XXX domain name fizzles out and will be no big deal. After all, there are plenty of adult websites existing with .com and other domain extensions. Besides, did anyone ever use the .NAME and.PRO top level domains after they launched?

For more information about .XXX, see

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2 thoughts on “.XXX domain live today | sunrise block: 'this domain has been reserved from registration'

  1. Shouldnt .XXX block company names that arent involved in the sex trade? Seems bizarre we should have to pay a tax to a pornographer. How are they getting away with this? Best to not give them any money indeed.

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