The always wise Ron Coleman, a prolific blogger and a co-host of Meet the Bloggers, recently re-posted an piece from 2011 about the value of using a trademark attorney – or in converse, the risk of not using one.

Of course, you can find stories of people who apply for a register a trademark on their own. They are far more likely to put their story out than the myriad of pro se applicants who try to register a mark on their own and fail.

Ron’s thoughts are spot on. And I am particularly tickled that he mention me in the post:

Trademark do it yourself?

Another dean of the trademark blog – John Welch of TTABlog® –  once noted that anyone, facing a dental issue, could pull out their own tooth. But wouldn’t you want to visit the dentist? Someone could file their own trademark application. And it might turnout just fine. Or it might not.

And as I noted recently, there is now scientific evidence to support these thoughts: Academic study shows that using a trademark lawyer improves odds of registration at the USPTO.

Ron Coleman (via


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